Ficha de Bolita
Busco padrinos/madrinas en adopción caso especial- Nombre Bolita
- Clase Gato
- Desde 16-11-2015
- Sexo Macho
- Edad 10 años y 1 mes
- fecha de nacimiento 1/2015
- Raza cruce siamés
- Tamaño Mediano
- Localidad Ayamonte (Huelva)
- Situación Refugio
- ID 212
Estaba solo en medio de la calle acercandose a las pocas personas que pasaban por alli.
Enseguida nuestra compañera lo llevó al veterinario y no tenia chip.
Lo subimos a las redes sociales pero nadie lo ha reclamado, no entendemos como pueden dejar a un animal asi de bueno en la calle.
Es un gato muy especial, al principio es un gato timido, pero en cuanto te conoce, es el gato mas dulce de toda la gatera. No deja limpiar a las voluntarias, siempre esta dándonos cabezazos para que le demos besos y caricias. Le gusta mucho que lo cepillen y le digan cosas bonitas. En cuanto lo acaricias, se le cae la baba. Tiene unos ojos preciosos como su carácter.
Se lleva muy bien con sus compañeros.
Bolita ya está listo para su adopción, asi que si estás interesad@ en él, envía un email a
Beautiful blue-eyed Bolita was found alone on the streets, approaching the few
people who cared to stop. One of our friends found him and immediately took
him to the vet to see if he was wearing a chip (unfortunately not). We have tried
to locate Bolita’s owner by posting his picture on social media but nobody came
forward to claim him. It is simply unbelievable that someone would abandon
such a gentle soul.
Our Bolita is a very special little creature. At first, he is a little shy but as soon as
he knows you a little, this is the sweetest cat in the world! He simply will not
leave the volunteers of the shelter alone: he insists on covering them in kisses
and caresses! Bolita loves it when he is brushed and when you talk to him.
Sometimes he gets so carried away, he loses his cool a bit and might drool a
little. His personality is as beautiful as his stunning blue eyes.
Bolita gets along very well with other cats. He is one of our extra special cats
because he is a Feline Leukemia (FL) carrier. He can lead a normal life and FL
cannot be transmitted to humans or to other animals; only other cats living with
him can get infected. We can of course tell you how to take care of special cats
like Bolita.
If you would like to give Bolita his second chance in life, please send us an e-mail
Estaba solo en medio de la calle acercandose a las pocas personas que pasaban por alli.
Enseguida nuestra compañera lo llevó al veterinario y no tenia chip.
Lo subimos a las redes sociales pero nadie lo ha reclamado, no entendemos como pueden dejar a un animal asi de bueno en la calle.
Es un gato muy especial, al principio es un gato timido, pero en cuanto te conoce, es el gato mas dulce de toda la gatera. No deja limpiar a las voluntarias, siempre esta dándonos cabezazos para que le demos besos y caricias. Le gusta mucho que lo cepillen y le digan cosas bonitas. En cuanto lo acaricias, se le cae la baba. Tiene unos ojos preciosos como su carácter.
Se lleva muy bien con sus compañeros.
Bolita ya está listo para su adopción, asi que si estás interesad@ en él, envía un email a
Beautiful blue-eyed Bolita was found alone on the streets, approaching the few
people who cared to stop. One of our friends found him and immediately took
him to the vet to see if he was wearing a chip (unfortunately not). We have tried
to locate Bolita’s owner by posting his picture on social media but nobody came
forward to claim him. It is simply unbelievable that someone would abandon
such a gentle soul.
Our Bolita is a very special little creature. At first, he is a little shy but as soon as
he knows you a little, this is the sweetest cat in the world! He simply will not
leave the volunteers of the shelter alone: he insists on covering them in kisses
and caresses! Bolita loves it when he is brushed and when you talk to him.
Sometimes he gets so carried away, he loses his cool a bit and might drool a
little. His personality is as beautiful as his stunning blue eyes.
Bolita gets along very well with other cats. He is one of our extra special cats
because he is a Feline Leukemia (FL) carrier. He can lead a normal life and FL
cannot be transmitted to humans or to other animals; only other cats living with
him can get infected. We can of course tell you how to take care of special cats
like Bolita.
If you would like to give Bolita his second chance in life, please send us an e-mail
PORTADOR VIRUS LEUCEMIA (con una buena calidad de vida: buena alimentación, revisiones veterinarias, hogar cálido, Bolita llevará una vida totalmente normal. La leucemia no es contagiosa ni a perros, ni a personas ni a otros animales.
Apadrinado por
Pepi, Michaela Knapke, Cinta, Frank Renger y Beatriz Dominguez
- Anexos
Quieres ser su angel de la guarda y darle esa oportunidad que tanto se merece?
Si estás interesad@ en apadrinar o adoptar envia un email a: